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Topcliffe Lane Parking – Public Meeting

Over 20 residents from Topcliffe Lane in Morley attended a public meeting to discuss a road traffic scheme that will go out to formal consultation later this year.  The scheme, drawn up by Highways Chiefs, was an attempt to address parking issues that have existed along Topcliffe Lane for over a decade.

Councillor Elliott said “The new scheme was warmly welcomed by residents who have suffered all sorts of problems over the years with parking that has blighted their homes and has often left emergency vehicles and buses unable to pass along the lane.”

The highways scheme, which will have the force of law following a traffic regulation order, will see the introduction of ‘residents only’ parking permits along with additional yellow lining and restricted times for parking and lorry unloading.

Councillor Elliott said “We listened to what residents have asked for and requested some further amendments.  The scheme will now go out to full consultation with local residents, businesses and the emergency services.  It is our aim to have the new scheme implemented at the beginning of 2018.”