AGM / Annual Report
- To Elect Town Mayor
- To Have Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed by newly-elected Town Mayor
- To Elect Deputy Town Mayor
- To Elect Leader of Council for 2019/20
- To Receive and Note Apologies for Absence and Consider Reasons Given for Non-Attendance
- To Receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests
- To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Also to declare any other significant interests which the member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19 to 20 of the Members’ Code of Conduct
- To Receive Public Questions (if any pre-notified)
- To Resolve to agree ‘eligibility’ to use ‘The General Power of Competence’. This decision must be revisited at every ‘relevant’ annual meeting of the council to confirm that it still meets the necessary criteria (i.e. the first annual meeting of the council after the ordinary elections).
Criteria for Eligibility is:-
(i) At resolution, a council must have two-thirds of its members elected (or stood for election) at the last ordinary election, or at a subsequent by-election
(ii) A Clerk must hold at least one of the sector-specific qualifications and should have completed the relevant training designed as part of the National Training Strategy for local councils
(iii) YLCA Advice Note 19 – ‘General Power of Competence’ is attached for information
- To Approve Minutes of last Full Council meeting held on 6th March 2019 and Minutes of Extraordinary Full Council meeting held on 24th April 2019
- To Receive Minutes of Finance, General Purposes & Strategic Committee meeting held on 27th February and 27th March 2019 and ‘draft’ Minutes of the meeting held on 24th April 2019
- To Receive Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held on 19th March 2019 and ‘draft’ Minutes of meeting held on 16th April 2019
- To Receive Minutes of Highways and Transportation Committee meeting held on 13th March 2019 and ‘draft’ Minutes of meeting held on 10th April 2019
- To Receive Minutes of Community Development Committee meeting held on 7th March 2019, Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 19th March 2019 and ‘draft’ Minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2019
- To Agree Appointments to Council Committees for 2019/20:-
(a) Nominations to Planning Committee
(i) Nomination and election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Planning Committee
(b) Nominations to Community Development Committee
(i) Nomination and election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Community Development Committee
(c) Nominations to Highways and Transportation Committee
(i) Nomination and election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Highways & Transportation Committee.
(d) Nominations to Audit Committee (must exclude any member of Finance, General Purposes and Strategic Committee and cheque signatories)
(i) Nomination and election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Audit Committee.
(e) Nominations to Finance, General Purposes & Strategic Committee
(i) Nomination and election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Finance, General Purposes & Strategic Committee
(f) Nominations to Staffing Sub-Committee
(g) Nominations to Complaints Sub-Committee
- To agree Cheque Signatories (4 nominations required for a period of four financial years)
- To Approve Town Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct
- To Agree Proposed Schedule of Meeting Dates and Times for 2019/20 (no meetings in August and December with the exception of the Planning Committee). Note: proposed Full Council meeting on 26th June 2019 to approve Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19
- To Adopt ‘Information Data Protection Policy’
- To Review Town Council Standing Orders and Financial Regulations for 2019/20
- To Review Town Council’s Documents, Policies and Procedures for 2019/20, as follows and approve any amendments:-
(i) Terms of Reference for Town Council office
(ii) Committees’ Structure & Delegated Functions (with additions in red)
(iii) Complaints Procedure
(iv) Publication Scheme under ‘Freedom of Information Act 2000’
(v) Risk Assessment
(vi) Asset Register – updated
(vii) Data Protection Policy
(viii) Data Information Audit
(ix) Data Audit Schedule
(x) Press & Media Policy
(xi) Rules for Recording at Meetings
(xii) Document Retention/Disposal Policy
(xiii) Security Incident Policy
(xiv) Records Management Policy
- To Receive and Note Social Media Guidance Notes
- To Appoint Two Town Council Representatives to Morley Arts Festival Committee for 2019/20
- To Appoint Two Town Council Representatives to attend the Yorkshire Local Councils Associations’ Leeds Branch Meetings for 2019/20
- To Appoint Three Town Council Representatives to the Morley Town Centre Management Board for 2019/20 (in 2018/19 two members and the Town Clerk)
- To Receive Items of Correspondence (for information only), as follows:-
(i) Letter dated 11/4/19 from Privy Council Office re. ‘Discontinuation of Burials in St Peter’s Churchyard, Morley (subject to exceptions)’
- Date and time of next meeting