Due to serious technical problems the previous website was not able to be updated, more information will be added in due course.

Finance, General Purposes & Strategic Committee

Council Duties

The main duties of the Finance, General Purposes & Strategic Committee are to: monitor monthly accounts including payment and revenue records; consider annual Council budgets for referral to Council for approval; authorise and monitor non-budgeted expenditure up to £5,000; oversee investment accounts, taxation and excise duties, banking arrangements; approve appointment of auditors; accept gifts and legacies on behalf of the community; approve purchase, lease and rental of land and buildings; consider items relating to CIL expenditure in accordance with current Financial Regulations.


The Finance, General Purposes & Strategic Committee also deal with strategic matters such as:-

  • Making recommendations to council regarding the status of a committee, sub-committee, or working group.
  • Making recommendations to council regarding the adoption and changes to Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
  • Agreeing and/or amending Terms of Reference and their composition.
  • Making recommendations to council in relation to major civic matters as thought to be appropriate.
  • Monitoring progress and implementation of the ‘Localism Bill.’
  • Overseeing council communications such as campaigns, leaflets, newsletters, press, and other media.
  • Managing publicity and public information, including website creation.
  • Leading the community planning process and developing a plan for approval by council.
  • Leading and developing the council service plan for approval by council.
  • Making recommendations regarding budgetary and policy requirements for future years in relation to council plans.
  • Approval of councillor training proposals.

This Committee will also oversee the planning, organisation, and monitoring of regular civic functions, such as Mayor’s Sunday, Mayor’s Ball, Mayor/Mayoress’s “At Home,” and identify any ‘one-off’ civic functions or receptions.

Minutes / Agendas

Town Council Meetings