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Councillors oppose further Bookmakers in Morley

Morley councillors have lodged a formal objection to the proposal for a new bookmakers on Queen Street.  The application comes from the national group, Betfred, who are presently applying for a license to operate a new bookmakers at an empty store in the town centre.

Councillor Robert Finnigan said “We are objecting to this new application for a further bookmakers in the town centre as we believe there are already enough bookmakers in Morley.  The cumulative impact of such establishments on a town centre are well documented and their presence squeezes out those independent traders we need to support a thriving Morley town centre.”

Objections can be lodged against a licensing application if councillors believe the objectives of the Licensing Act are undermined.  This includes the potential negative impact such licenses can have on children and young adults.

Councillor Judith Elliott said “We already have several bookmakers in the town centre and it is hard to see how a further bookmaker will enhance it.  We are concerned that the proliferation of such establishments normalises gambling and can draw in children and young people.  Gambling addiction is a significant problem for many people and an additional bookmakers can only lead to more vulnerable people being drawn into gambling.”