Due to serious technical problems the previous website was not able to be updated, more information will be added in due course.


Morley town centre free WiFi plan a step nearer

The free WiFi programme for Morley town centre took a further step forward following a meeting between councillors and Leeds City Council street lighting staff.  The scheme, to be financed by Morley Town Council, has the support of local councillors and Morley MP, Andrea Jenkyns and aims to be operational early in the New Year.  The free WiFi scheme will be used to promote Morley town centre, providing news on events and offers from local traders to increase footfall, as well as developing a digital platform for the future aiming to include a ‘click and collect’ options from Morley town centre businesses.

Councillor Robert Finnigan, chairman of the Morley Town Centre Management Board said “We have brokered an agreement with Leeds City Council’s street lighting team to attach the hardware required to bring the scheme to Morley town centre on the lamp standards on Queen Street.  This should provide what is necessary for free WiFi to be offered to anyone visiting Morley town centre.  We have had excellent support from our MP, town and city councillors and Leeds City and Morley Town councils.  We hope to have the full scheme operational early in the New Year.”