Councillors going for Gold in “Yorkshire In Bloom” contest
Morley Councillors have been working hard in the “Yorkshire In Bloom” contest hoping to go one step better than last year and bring home a Gold award.
Councillor Judith Elliot said “We have been working hard for months to improve the look of the town and to bring a cascade of colour with the flowers, plants and hanging baskets we have planted across Morley town centre.”
The voluntary group, who receives finance from Morley Town Council, has volunteers undertaking varying activities including planting, maintaining hanging baskets, weeding and sweeping untidy streets.
Councillor Judith Elliott said “I wish to thank Morley Town Council and its Councillors for their support. We have also received a lot of support from Leeds City Council’s Parks department and Street Cleansing Services and I am also grateful to them.”
The results of the competition will not be know until the Autumn. Morley gained Silver Gilt in last year’s competition.