Councillors deliver safer chairs for Pensioner group
Morley councillors have delivered new chairs for Morley Elderly Action following concerns raised over the safety of the older chairs used in the group’s regular Tuesday coffee mornings held in the Morleian Room of Morley Town Hall. The new chairs, which are more comfortable and safer, will be used in future events in the Morleian Room.
Councillor Judith Elliott said “Some older residents had raised their concerns that the old chairs being used were a trip hazard and we have also had reports of MEA coffee morning attendees stumbling over the old chairs. The new chairs are certainly safer and reduce the risk of tripping as well as being more comfortable for older residents and easier to rise from.”
Councillors obtained the money to replace the chairs from Outer South Community Committee.
Councillor Bob Gettings, a MEA member himself said “We are pleased we have been able to overcome the concerns that were raised with us and replace the older uncomfortable chairs with safe and more comfortable ones.”